
Vanity Theme Forum

The Vanity Theme now has a support forum for help and sharing tips with other theme users. If you have any problems, you can also create help desk tickets there. The forum is part of the Shopify Concierge Help Desk, and can accessed here:

Vanity in Blue

Vanity comes with 3 preset colors: Lily White (this one), Expresso and Blues Anatomy. Take a look at Vanity in blue:

Enhancements & Fixes Blog

Updates to the Vanity theme are now published at our new Vanity Theme Updates blog. Subscribers will be notified of any fixes or enhancements, and each posting provides details on how to apply it to your store. Update May 3, 2010: We now have a dedicated forum for Vanity theme users to share tips and ask questions. Please visit the forum, hoste...

Rich Snippets

In Vanity, the product page uses “microformats” to help make your site stand out in search results. In a nutshell, the hProduct Microformat makes details such as the product vendor, title and price available to search engines, who can then provide better descriptions in their search results, or can make it easier to find your products.


If you hover over “Catalog” you will notice a sub-menu appears. Creating a sub-menu in Vanity is easy. All you need to do is create a link-list named the same as the menu item. So, in this showcase site for example, I created a new link-list called “Catalog” and it contains two links. Link lists allow you to create links to anything in Shopify, ...

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