
Catalog Sorting

Vanity now sports a product filter, in addition to the existing ability to filter by tags, for collection. You can sort by price (low to high and high to low), product title, newness and best sellers. See it in action here:

iOS6 Update

iOS 6, the latest update for iPads and iPhones, created a problem for the Vanity submenu system. If you are an existing customer be sure to check out the article on how to fix the problem:

Line Properties Now Supported

It's great to see Shopify now lets you capture additional properties for products via the new Line Item Properties feature. This allows your customers to specify additional information (such as the monogram text for example) on the product page. We've just updated the Vanity cart page liquid template to support this new feature. We've also make...

Collection Listing Page

Showing featured collections on the home page has been possible for a long time in Vanity (using theme settings). We've just updated the theme to support the '/collections' page as well. Instead of the default listing, which is a bulleted list, you will now see a gallery of images similar to how products are displayed. Hovering over an image wit...

Search Products Only

Vanity now has a theme setting that allows you to specify that only products get returned in search results. You will find it in a section called "Search". Select the checkbox to show only products, otherwise you will also get page and article content.

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